Intuitive Spiritual Counseling
Connect with Your Truth
There are some times in our lives where we are surrounded by upheaval, where we feel lost and alone, and that we are lacking a roadmap to guide ourselves. We end up gripping tightly to a rollercoaster ride, stuck in a mental frenzy, and start feeling disconnected from the joy of life. A lack of clarity can be scary and dark for many people. Sometimes we forget that whatever is going on, actually does make sense and is exactly what we need. In an intuitive spiritual counseling session, I connect with you on a soul level so that you can understand what is going on, discover, and know your truth in your current situation.
- Get a reading on any area of your life.
- Relationships, love, money, career, family, life purpose, spirit guides, entities, karma, past lives, or health.
- Sift through your truth versus other energies that are having an effect on your life so that you can let go of what is not serving you.
- Gain a new perspective around your decision-making.
- Find the missing piece to your puzzle.
“Sometimes the questions are complicated and the answers are simple.” – Dr. Seuss
Cost: $125 for an 1-hour session, $180 for 1.5-hour session, $230 for 2-hour session
Discounted Packages:
- $230 for Two Sessions
- $440 for Four Sessions
Energy Management Coaching
A little bit of help from your psychic friend
In my personal experience, the breakthroughs that I have seen have been the result of using energy management tools on a daily basis in all sorts of ways. I have seen others liberate themselves from daily prescriptions, I have seen people totally transform their career, I have watched people gain supportive relationships, and I have seen them having more fun in life overall. Creating what you want in life can be easy. In an energy management coaching session, we’ll take what you learned from class and apply it to real-life situations that you need help with. I will intuitively identify what is going on in your energetic space in relation to your situation and help you apply your tools so that you can work the energy, create what you want and get relief all by yourself. If you want to become fluent with your energy management tools, these sessions are for you!
Cost: $180 for a 1.5-hour one on one class
Monthly Subscription Option:
- $500 – Four 1.5 Hour Classes Each Month
- Take classes one on one
- Save on individual sessions
- Subscription renews automatically each month
- Sessions must be used each month and do not roll over
- Subscription comes with access to free guided meditation each month
Discounted Package Option:
- $500 – Four 1.5 Hour Classes Each Month
- Take classes one on one
- Save on individual sessions
- Sessions in the package expire in 120 days
Energy Healings
Come Back Home
Are you stuck in the same old pattern? Is there a certain area of your life that is struggling? Are there parts of you that feel out of control, dark, or limited? Are you suffering from a chronic illness? Receiving an energy healing is a great way to get gentle and powerful support in any area of your life. If you find yourself suffering, in effort, stuck, or limited in life, it’s time for a healing. See just how easy it can be to let go of limitations and have breakthroughs in your life. There are many physical symptoms that we experience that can be relieved through energy work. Here are a few examples that might indicate a need for an energetic healing:
- Feeling foggy, confused, out-of-body, or scattered.
- Feeling stuck in certain emotions or thought patterns.
- Physical discomfort such as headache, nausea, aching, or pain.
- Physical injuries
- Feeling tired or having trouble sleeping.
- Not quite feeling like yourself or not feeling like yourself at all.
Hands On Healings
Get to the deep stuff…
Lie down on my table and take a nap. While you are relaxing away, I’ll be doing all the work for you. I’ll move out limiting energies with just a conscious touch of my hand. Feel nurtured, feel supported, and see how easy it is to let go of baggage that has been haunting you for ages. Come with any healing intention.
Aura & Chakra Healings
Take the best psychic shower of your life and experience immediate relief.
I’ll help you let go, ground, and find balance quickly. I’ll remove energies that are having a negative effect on your mood, mind, and body. Take time to untangle from co-dependent relationships, to bring back integrity to your energetic space, and to replenish with exactly what you need. Come with any healing intention.
Trance Medium Healings
Long-distance healing dynamite!
Can’t see me in-person? No problemo. We can still do some amazing work over-the-phone. In a trance medium healing, I will shift my energy so that I can leave my body and fly on over to you. Once I’m over there, I’ll help you release painful energies and look for and remove anything else that may be having a limiting effect on your life. Come with any healing intention and be prepared for surprises!
“We’ve all got both light and dark inside us. What matters is the part we choose to act on.” – J.K. Rowling
Cost: $125 for an 1-hour session, $180 for 1.5-hour session, $230 for 2-hour session
Discounted Packages:
- $230 for Two 1-Hour Sessions
- $440 for Four 1-Hour Sessions
Consciousness Revolution:
Group Guided Energy Management – General Description:
The world is shifting rapidly, and as spiritually attuned individuals, we are an active part of this profound transformation. As we evolve, heal, and expand our consciousness, we create ripple effects—both within ourselves and in the world around us. Conscious Revolution is a monthly guided group session designed for conscious creators who are navigating deep spiritual growth while witnessing historic global shifts. These sessions support you in surfing the waves of enlightenment with ease, clarity, and empowerment.
In these guided sessions, we will:
- Strengthen your spiritual tools with monthly ‘energy checks’ – enhancing grounding, energetic flow, spiritual sovereignty, and replenishment.
- Go within to heal from external chaos and validate the impact of your presence on the planet.
- Manage your current growth cycle by healing limitations, releasing resistance, and stepping into greater ease.
- Clear limiting energies and outdated spiritual agreements with mass consciousness, freeing yourself from unnecessary suffering.
- Tune into global shifts to gain intuitive clarity on energetic changes so that you can navigate your circumstances with confidence.
- Align with your personal path and wisdom so you can take your next empowered step.
When: 1st Friday of Each Month
Time: 2:00pm Hawaii Time
Cost: $25
*If you can’t make it to the live event, sign up anyways and receive the recording.
Group Energy Healing:
Group Healing – General Description:
In a group healing, Michelle will collect up the energy of the entire group and tune into a common healing theme for the group in the present moment. From there, Michelle uses her Trance Medium ability to give the group a healing or lead a channeled shift in consciousness. You’ll receive communication about what she is seeing and clearing throughout the session.
When: 2nd Saturday of Each Month
Time: 10:00am Hawaii Time
Cost: $25
*If you can’t make it to the live event, sign up anyways and receive the recording.
Live Guided Meditation:
Guided Meditation – General Description:
Life may provide countless experiences that throw us off center, this is an opportunity to “log-out” of the day-to-day grind, come back into the present moment, heal, and bring more awareness to your energetic space, your perception, and your choices.
When: 3rd Thursday of Each Month
Time: 9:30am Hawaii Time
Cost: $10
*If you can’t make it to the live event, sign up anyways and receive the recording.
Group Channeled Message:
Current Topic: Light of the World Series
As divine humans walk the Earth, we stand witness to an awe-inspiring, accelerated evolution unfolding across the planet and its inhabitants. This series invites us to continue exploring life after ascension as a divine human, delving deeper into the ways we embody our sacred light while coexisting with the dynamic shifts of Earth and its collective consciousness. Featuring: Yeshua (Jesus)
This series will provide a sacred space for reflection, awareness, and energetic alignment as we navigate the magical dynamics of our sovereign domain of light and expand into our multidimensional, purpose-filled lives. Let’s explore what it truly means to be the light of the world.
- Your Sacred Temple of Light: Understanding your unique construct of light and how it interacts with reality in multidimensional living.
- Life Beyond Ascension: Expanding into your relationship with purpose, exploring how to navigate life after milestones of enlightenment, and coexisting with others on similar and diverse paths.
- Global Phenomena: Taking necessary pauses to energetically adjust and witness shifts and changes as Earth moves through pivotal evolutionary moments.
- Presence in Action: Deepening your relationship with your senses, refining soul communication, and exploring how to relate to others as a light in the world.
- Change Through Potentials: Learning how new forms of change occur through potentials, embracing the void, and becoming comfortable with the unknown ahead.
- The Full Circle Experience: Addressing the challenges of remaining on Earth as a divine human and bringing consciousness to the moment of completion.
Channeled Message – General Description:
Connect with your divinity in this human experience. Michelle channels Herself and the energy of the group on a divine level to deliver a special message and bring clarity to the human experience. Relax and breathe as you shine the light of your awareness into blind spots and unknown limitations that are ready for shifts and healing.
When: 4th Saturday of Each Month
Time: 9am Hawaii Time
Cost: $15
*If you can’t make it to the live event, sign up anyways and receive the recording.